What is the reasoning behind cancelling voting for best answers?

90% of my best answers were voted for- not chosen by the asker.
50% of the enjoyment is knowing your answer was chosen as best & possibly helped someone. The other 50% is obviously the points. Yahoo has basically taken both of these away making the site very weak. Anyone agree?

blα blα2014-04-13T02:39:22Z

Favorite Answer

The only reason stated officially is to "simplify" Yahoo Answers http://yahooanswers.tumblr.com/post/82222346538/simplifying-question-streams#disqus_thread

By simplifying though, they have removed an important element of Yahoo Answers and one that kept users motivated to return to Yahoo Answers once again (I walked away after a couple of answers in the very beginning and came back when I saw a BA appear in my email a few days later for instance).


Didn't they stop and think that
the asker doesn't actually know the best or correct answer ...Why would anyone think that the person asking the question would know more than the people answering, that's why they asked the question in the first place.

Son of T32014-04-13T00:59:36Z

The users kept asking for the change. They did not like that people could vote for themselves, they did not like that people with two accounts could vote for themselves, and they wanted the asker to have unlimited time to pick the best answer. So Yahoo came up with a simple system that addresses all three concerns. Be careful what you ask to get.