How much money will be saved?

How much money for ink will be saved in printing if Japanese people start typing ' instead of '' in hiragana and katakana symbols...

for example か'' => か', へ'' => へ' etc...


Favorite Answer

A scientific study in the USA showed that ink can be saved by the type and size of the font you use to print. So your question requires a lot of tests to be done. Japanese people do not tend to use as many crazy fonts as you see in English when typing out things so money is saved off the bat already.

Madame M2014-04-17T04:26:47Z

Hmmm. Maybe a lot . . . but did you ever stop to wonder why they used two dots instead of one in the first place? One dot could be random -- an ink splash, a bit of dirt, or even a dead bug. Two dots are not random.

In those days, you had a lot more ink and labor costs in writing. So, you have to consider, how many times did a misplaced dot cause a big problem that cost a lot of money?

I'm guessing it must have happened a lot.

Maybe printing is a little "cleaner" than ink and brushes, but spots still happen.

And while you'd save on ink, you'd have to change every textbook, every printing block, reprogram every computer . . . .

So, actually, you wouldn't save on costs at all.


A peculiar question! Maybe about the same amount as would be saved if English speakers stopped typing "lol" and putting apostrophes where they don't belong.


It's like talking about how much oil could be saved in the world if one person like you stops using oil.