Christians, if you sincerely ask Jesus to forgive your sins, but you haven't been forgiving others their sins, will Jesus ignore you?


The only way to be forgiven is to forgive others and also forgive yourself. Jesus has naught to do with it.


Repentance means that you don't do it again!
That is 'sincerity'!
If you do it again, you weren't sincere, so you never repented the first time, just an egoic hocus-pocus!


In Matthew 18:15 When asked what to do if a brother offends him, Jesus tells Peter, Take him and tell him in private' if he repents (a change of mind leading to changed behaviour), then you have gained a brother." If the person who is offending doesn't repent the person is to take another brother with Him to confront him, and if still no repentance, take him before the who congregation, and if still no repentance, treat him as "anathema" Cast out", and have nothing more to deal with him.

One thing I have learned about the Bible is that while everything in the original Greek text is true, not everything is always the complete teaching. I used to work as a Registered Nurse in hospitals for 20 years. The teaching about confronting a person in the way Jesus describes is both the most effective thing you can do to repair a relationship and the most honest. The supposed teaching to keep forgiving someone even though they continue to abuse you every day is both psychologically impossible and if done long enough will attract every abuser for mile around to your door.


Anyone who is truly sincere in asking Jesus to forgive his/her sins will forgive the sins of others.

I have to work on this myself.


But are you trying with God's help...that is why you are praying presumably.

And as Newman said, forgiveness is basically the answer to the question, Would you be upset if that person were found in Heaven, not damned"?

Don't make something that is a matter of Faith a matter of emotion.

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