TriCare Insurance Card Confusion!?
I have TriCare Reserve Select under my husband whose in the NC National Guard. My question: Do I use my Dependant Military ID card as my insurance card? I know I can just use my sponsors/ his SSN but the offices I've been to which accept TriCare, seem confuse when I just give them his SSN. So should I start giving then my Military ID? And in regards of filling out paperwork that asks for the policy # and group # etc.. Do I leave all of this blank? Or does any numbers on my ID card take the place of those? I noticed on my ID card there is a DoD #, on the back is s Benefits # & also on the back it says Medical: With active duty orders for over 30 days. (Note I got my ID and was enrolled in Deer's about a year ago but only got insurance starting this past March. Any info will be VERY helpful!