Pharmacy math question?

My teacher gave us a phamarcy math worksheet handout at the end of class to do for homework. I am so confuse what the question is maybe someone can help me. Our teacher didn't go over the worksheet with us.

Calculate the following order using the given label.

So we have the drug Cleoncin 150 mg/ml (Clindamycin). Lot 7809 Exp. 09/14

1. Cleocin 300 mg D5W 100 ml infuse over 60 mins.


Please confer with your teacher about this. Teachers have office hours, and they are paid to provide help for students in need.

An outsider like me can't really help you, because it is not clear what you are supposed to do. By seeing your teacher, you will make it clear that you are a conscientious student who is making an effort and just needs a little help. Teachers respond well to this.