How do I like a BLT with no bacon, lettuce or tomato?

I think Im freak and i dont know why this is. I just hate bacon, lettuce and tomato. But my favorite sandwich is a BLT. Help?


Sometimes the combo is far greater than the separate parts.

Bacon satisfies the fat and salt craving
Lettuce is the crunch
Tomato adds freshness and tart zing
Mayo is the smooth fat off setting the bacon coarse fat
Toast is and other crunch


If you are eating a BLT then you are eating bacon, lettuce and tomato. If you are eating bacon, lettuce and tomato then you must like bacon, lettuce and tomato. Nobody eats food they don't like unless they are being force fed against their will.


You just like wasting money. Just buy a loaf of bread and a jar of mayo, the bread will last a minimum of 10 meals(a loaf usually has about 22 slices, not using the end pieces will give you 10 meals). You will save a ton of money.


It's just toast it's not a BLT.


Yup I like mayo and cheese sandwiches too

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