I had a crazy dream/ nightmare last night. I was in a house with people I don't currently know but in my dream I felt very close to them. It was almost like a family love I had for them. But long story short, a teen guy had us hostage or something. He had a knive and not a gun. I was younger than I am now, like a child and I felt helpless and couldn't defend myself. I was getting sliced, stabbed and slashed all over. I vividly remember my hands and arms sliced up the most nand seeing my "loved ones" getting sliced and blood everywhere but then I woke up with my heart racing. I never dream such gruesome dreams. This really freaked me out. Any meaning behind it?
P. K. P.K.2014-04-27T11:09:01Z
Favorite Answer
Jung says that all parts of the dream are aspects of the dreamer's self. Houses represent the construction of the self, and the people within it are various personae of the self. The young man represents animus out of control, vicious and bloodthirsty. Each person's psyche seeks to balance anima/animus (feminine/masculine drives) in daily life.
You are probably using masculine energy in a way that is damaging to other parts of your self that you love. For example, perhaps you are over-planning or over-analyzing aspects of your life. Maybe you are currently too ambitious and stifling parts of yourself that are less forceful. Maybe you're trying to suppress some parts of yourself by identifying more and more with the rational, analytic side that is so encouraged in schools and colleges. Or, perhaps there's a part of you that really wants to use animus to destroy some parts of yourself.
Since it's a dream, nothing is really destroyed. Your body let you know that if there's too much animus in your life, much that you love is in peril. You might want to read up on animus; it's a powerful, productive force too, but when it is out of balance, it's dangerous (as is the anima).
The fact that the animus was represented by a young man might mean that you have only recently begun practicing being ambitious and are still in the first flush of experiencing the power that comes with that path.
Okay, this has probably been one of your past lives because you loved your "family" and you got stabbed and stuff so thats probably how you died in one of your past lives