What ever happened to my Avatar? It shows on this page, but its nowhere to be found,on messenger or my yahoo. Can't seem to put it back on my messenger, in fact I don't see the means, It disappeared a long time ago. But yet it shows up on here and my account page.
The squint eyed guy wearing a cowboy hat it is there. Avatars come and go all the time around here.
AVATAR or Profile Picture At this time you can not upload a picture from a mobile device, perhaps that will change in the future. For now profile changes must be made from a computer. Go here , http://profile.yahoo.com top center put the arrow on your avatar or !, click change picture. From there you can upload a Picture from your computer or import a picture from facebook. When finished click submit on the next page. Sometimes it dose not automatically go back to, http://answers.yahoo.com/my-activity/edit/about and sometimes the image dose not automatically change, click submit at the bottom of the page and it will change. ******** Yahoo Answers did away with their Avatar Maker. If you want a custom avatar go to one of these sites and make a custom avatar, save it to your computer and upload it as a picture. http://home.mywebface.com/hp2/ ** http://www.voki.com/ http://illustmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/answers… Source https://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=content&id=SLN3609&actp=search&viewlocale=en_US&searchid=13
To the best of my knowledge it's separate from the YA avatar. For messenger. You can use either a photo or a cartoon avatar. First, save a photo or an avatar to your computer you can obtain an avatar from the many free avatar sites on the internet like sites below. . http://www.free-avatars.com/ http://freeavatarsonline.com/ http://www.avatarsdb.com/ Then. Right click on your avatar in the messenger window, click choose a picture or browse for an avatar you have saved, from an avatar site or a photo. Follow the prompts to upload.