Why do my aquatic plants keep dying?
My aquarium has been running for about 5 months. It was a fully planted, but just about everything has died. I had 3peices of anubias attached to driftwood, all but 1 grew, but none ever attached(I had them tied with fishing line). I had 2 swords that were full and healthy when I bought them, nw they have like 2 leaves. I have 1 surviving java fern that is not growing, but isn't exactly dying. I had alot of anachris, but it all has died. I have a moss ball thats doing okay. I have a bunch of crypts that grew at first, but now they are all dying. I had hornwort but it all is dead too. I've replaced all these plants, with no success there either. I feed them with plant food from my lfs every wednesday. I have had special lights to help them grow since day 1. I have flourite for gravel as well. Nothing seems to work! I have seen people with notheing but gravel and plants are perfect. I have everything, and I cant even keep 1 alive. What am I doing wrong?
@mle My tank is 30 gallons. I have 2 platys, 6 rummynose tetras, 3 giant danios, and an angel fish. I am using the hood the tank came with, but I have replaced the lights that were in the hood. The lights are both 17 watt Clormax's. Since I have 2 bulbs, I bought a Colormax freshwater bulb for the fishes color, and a 10,000k Daylight bulb for the plants. They are both florescent.
@mle My lights are T8 24". There is actually a strong current.. Not much I can do about it though because the filter is built in the hood. Is this okay? An I will purchase root tabs, but I figured that the lights, liquid fertilizer, and flourite would be enough.