Do you think this Bible verse supports the doctrine of the "Particular Judgment" at the time of Death?

Likewise, Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice,* serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

"The Catholic doctrine of the particular judgment is this: that immediately after death the eternal destiny of each separated soul is decided by the just judgment of God. "

Lost Prophecy2014-05-08T13:58:30Z

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There is the Particular Judgement which happens at the moment when the earthly body dies. If the individual was already dead inside meaning they didn't have Christ within themselves (gift of Sanctifying Grace) they are guilty of mortal sin and original sin therefore their soul immediately enters into a state of consciousness called Hell. If the individual had died with Christ within themselves (gift of Sanctifying Grace) and had fully purified themselves before the moment of death their soul immediately enters into a state of consciousness called the Kingdom of Heaven. If the individual had died with Christ within themselves (gift of Sanctifying Grace) but had died in venial sin and/or had not fully purified themselves at the moment of death their soul immediately enters into a state of consciousness called Purgatory in which they are purified before entering into the Kingdom of Heaven. The first resurrection is the heavenly body ascending into the Kingdom of Heaven in which these souls are joined with Christ. There is only one Particular Judgement.

As for the Final Judgement the souls of the saints and the wicked will be resurrected in their earthly bodies. The earthly bodies which are mortal will be clothed in their souls which are immortal in which their earthly bodies will no longer taste death. As for the souls of the saints their souls are made incorruptible through Christ which is why they can ascend into the Kingdom of Heaven and why their resurrected bodies will be able to inherit the New Paradise. Of course the resurrection event of the earthly body only happens once as Christ was only risen once. And according to Scripture you first have to die in order to be resurrected. So the idea of their being survivors of the Apocalypse is just ridicules. The reference of the living and the dead being judged is about the Final Judgement of the resurrected saints and wicked. The wicked after they are judged by Christ (God) according to their deeds will be cast into Hell along with the Devil and his demons aka. their second death. Only then Christ (God) will create the new heavens and earth for Him, His angels, and the saints.

Hebrews 9:27-28

Just as it is appointed that human beings die once, and after this the judgment, so also Christ, offered once to take away the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to take away sin but to bring salvation to those who eagerly await him.

1 Corinthians 15:36

You fool! What you sow is not brought to life unless it dies.


The reason why our earthly bodes (flesh and blood) can not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven is because they are corrupted. As St. Paul stated what is corrupted can not inherit what is incorruptible. And currently our immortal souls are clothed in our mortal bodies. And if you hadn't figured this out the wicked that are guilty of original sin their souls are corrupted and as Scripture states nothing unclean will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.


O please, bang a new drum already.
Sin is sin is sin.
Lot wasn't any big hero, either. God doesn't mention homosexuality when he is talking to Abraham about destroying the cities. He just talks about sin. See
0 And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;

21 I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.
Your new kinder gentler god bible has really taken some liberties with this story.


never heard of this catholic doctrine ...

i don't u/stand you people.
instead of reading up on someone else's interpretation, why don't you read the bible for yourself ?
it's no secret which bibles are ... reliable ... so what's stopping you people ?

when we die, the book is closed.
1- christians are locked into eternal paradise.
2- heathens take a one way ticket to hell ... the angel of death will be at his side to escort him there.
3- 'christians' who didn't make it to heaven cos they discard the Law ... will be reincarnated back to earth.

the christian community don't seem to u/stand that the whole bible is written for israel.
we, gentile christians are the dogs that have been given a chance , are grafted into the olive tree bec. israel is sleeping ...
the FIRST christians were jews ... know your bible.
did Jesus Christ start the Roman Catholic Church ? no
did Jesus Christ start the office of pope, bishop ? no
Jesus Christ followed the Torah ... NT wasn't even written.
the pharisees were erroneous in their teachings on some parts of the Law.
Jesus says its hell for them. Means wrong doctrines = hell.
there is nothing jewish about the white-made church started by the roman faction.
then the christian protestant church came out of the roman whore ...
what a mess ...

you want true christian teachings ? READ, STUDY scripture ....


That doctrine is supported all over the bible

but in that case its a foreshadow at best


Auch, I am so sick of you people who think 1 sin is worse than another sin? If you don't understand the Bible enough to get the basics straight. 1. Don't talk about it or 2. get your butt to Bible class and learn something!

Sin is Sin, murder is as bad as stealing a pack of gum, stealing a pack of gum is as bad as stealing a million dollars, IN GOD'S EYES. God does not care what the sin is only that you are sinning.

People like you tend to think they are better Christians because you don't do bad sins but your question is a sin because you're quibbling about something that isn't important. It is not your job to judge people that job belongs to God. If you don't believe me go read your Bible and find out for yourself. Remember the line "judge not lest you be judged"?

The only sin God is judging on judgement day is the sin of unbelief. If he went through every person and every sin judgment day would last for all eternity. The only thing God wants to know on the last day is, Do you believe in him?

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