Anyone know these songs?

They are multiple songs by the same artist that go togther and kind of tell a story... I'm wondering the name of them. I can't even remember the words but the video to the stories are unforgettable.

Seems like it starts of as this guy just comes home from a war and is paralyzed from the waste down and in a wheelchair. He goes home, some thing happen, and he's sitting on a dock with his wife/ woman he loves. One of them drops something, she bends down to grab it, falls, hits her head on the dock, and drowns. She had been carrying or just had a kid. The man names the kid after the woman who died. I think there's more, but I can't be sure. Again, I'm pretty sure that this is over the course of several songs.

Anyone know the artist and name of the songs???


I vaugly remember one of the songs starting out in a hospital or something with the guy in the wheel chair just going home. It seems like other people are playing basketball in the background...


Trapped in the Closet by R Kelly there's like 42 parts to it