Is my gameboy color broken?

I bought one from the flea market today, along with a cheap monopoly game for the gameboy (not specifically a gbc game). When I turned it on, the Gameboy logo did its thing in full color, and then the screen was just stuck like that. the "copyright nintendo" at the bottom is usually just a black box instead of what it should be. Nothing happens after the logo comes up and it just stays there. I've tried 4 different pairs of batteries and reset it at least 10 times. I tried blowing on the cartridge and the slot. At this point, I don't own any other games to try in it. I don't know if it's the console or the game.
Also, when I bought it, the switch was "on", but it was dead.


try cleaning the game with q tips and rubbing alcohol
usually when a gbc does that it means it just froze because the game was too dirty