Does a 08 Tacoma P/U 4 cyl have a fuel filter? Every auto parts store I go to doesn't have one listed. The dealer says it's in the fuel tank?

ben m2014-05-13T12:21:02Z

Favorite Answer

Modern vehicles (OBD II) have the filter in the gas tank attached to the fuel pump. It looks like the guts inside of a toilet tank, lol (floater).

Unfortunately, most people do not change this type of filter until the fuel pump goes out, due to the high cost (few hundred dollars), not to mention the loss of fuel due to process of repairs.


all the toy trucks i worked on have three filters. intank sock filter on the pump pu tube, one just off the tank on the frame rail. and one in the bay or front fender area somewhere prior to the fuel pressure regulator.
*oem* filters may not show availability or be supported by the after market community.. but once a given filter is located, you'll see that a generic universal fuel filter usually can be employed instead. likely it will simply be a matter of mounting for a slightly different physical config.
you could, once you find the filters, go back to the part store and show them where it is. likely they'll have an app generic filter that will fit w/o too much trouble. intank sock filter might be the exception. might have to be purchased via the dealer.