Help with this math problem?

A Ferris wheel has a circumference of 592 feet. If a trip around takes 45 seconds, find the average speed in miles per hour. Round to the nearest tenth.

The average speed of the Ferris wheel is miles per hour.

thank you!

Mr. Un-couth2014-05-13T17:07:41Z

Speed = (592ft/circ)*(1circ/45sec)*(60sec/1min)*
(60min/1hr)*(1mile/5,280ft) = 8.97 miles/hr


v = d/t = 592ft / 45 = 13.15556 ft/s

1 Mile = 5280 Feet
1 Hour = 3600 Seconds
13.15556 ft / s * ( 1 miles / 5280 ft ) * (3600 seconds / 1 hour ) = ans

if you're not sure how to do the conversions at the end, think about it this way.
ft/s * miles /ft = miles /s

this is because ft cancels on numerator and denominator