Why are almost all mass-shooters men?

Why are most gang members men? Why are most members of terrorist groups (KKK, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, the Neo-Nazi group "Golden Dawn" of Greece, the Taliban, etc) men? How are we teaching men to behave differently than women if so many men are committing these horrendous acts but so fewer women are?


Because we raise men to be more aggressive and bottle-up their emotions. Also, most of these groups treat women badly so they wouldn't want to join they anyway. Testosterone is linked to violence, but it is not powerful enough to be 100% responsible for this trend.

Hell Bat2014-05-15T18:50:55Z

Women do bad things but the government hides it


it's just society the women murder/serial killer/mass shooter doesn't get as known as the male. it's because society feels some stories aren't as important as others.