Sidewalk/parking issues is there any laws to protect us?
We live in a one horse broken down former coal town in Pa. The Avenue that we live on is from horse and buggy days, totally impractical for today's traffic! There has been a lot of expansion in the past 40 years, new houses built where there used to be woods. The Borough has don nothing other than paving to make the roadway accessible to all the extra traffic. Where we live the road narrows to where two vehicles can barely pass going in opposite directions. We must park on this roadway. The residents above us are belligerent, they roar up, and down the ave. all day, and night, mostly in huge ridiculous 4wd trucks. They ignore the speed limit of 25 mph. They do not like to wait for other motorists to pass our parked cars, then go around. Instead they actually drive through the neighbors yard across the Street! Understandably they get ticked off. They blame us however! When this happens they complain to us, as if we can do anything to stop it, then mysteriously our cars get egged,tires flattened, etc. So the only thing we could do was to park on the sidewalk, which we have been doing for a couple years. NO ONE but us has a sidewalk in front of their house! Because of the Borough never updating. Now some new idiot cop writes us up for parking on the stupid sidewalk! Our cars have been hit, and run, sideswiped. Everyone else can park in a direct line with our sidewalk where theirs should be without fear of a ticket because there nothing more than grass, and gravel there. Help!