Why does there seem to be an inability to differentiate between rejection and questioning?

It seems what I see here over and over again are questions that seems to center around a blatent disregard for the difference between rejecting an idea and questioning it, searching for information about it.

I guess the best question would be, what is the difference to you, R & S?


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I think it's because some of us expect to be attacked and so are defensive about everything.Others of us are spiteful and if we feel we are in the inferior position kick the other guy in the shin and run off to report a violation of the guidelines. There is another group that seem to think that any difference of opinion is a direct affront to their intelligence and just talk to drown the other guy out.

The least attractive of the reactive bunch are the arrogant ones, who think that a well placed insult is the ultimate weapon, but weep as little children when the insult lands on them.

Most common, though, is probably the affliction of average intelligence, and the lack of training in critical thinking and arguments.
Good question, but I bet you get the very type of answer you were questioning and few real answers at all.

Bill Bowser2014-05-19T14:00:59Z

Asking a question can be used as a weapon--and in both religion and politics, it often is.


To be Rejected by something less than yourself, only leaves the Pathogens to infest others around you, therefore, and as the EARTH spins around, eventually the Virus will come back to you, and what is the chance that you will not go down...0330/2015


Questioners.....listen to the answers

Live Long, and Prosper2014-05-19T14:22:00Z

I think questioning comes first. Like, "what happened to all the other animals that did not make it into the ark?"
...Job passed god's tests of faith yet still his family was taken from him.....then god gives him another family for his troubles.

So the list of questionings grows and grows, and you ask yourself at some point, maybe I should just stick to the New Testament.

..So, can you still accept a priest or pastor answer that god has a plan for them, or they are in heaven, or who are we to understand god's plan? ?

I suppose if those answers are ok for you , you are just questioning.

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