I don't know what to buy COD Ghost or COD Black Ops 2?

I will buy 1 game but I don't know what game choose please help me


Favorite Answer

Black ops 2 or, like jusrin said, battlefield 4 or 3. Black ops 2 is fun, but battlefield ahhas better graphics


My recommendation? Buy neither. I have played every COD since World at War ( no Cod 4). But MW2, MW3 or BO1 I'd highly recommend. Especially MW2 as it was my fav FPS to date after 4 years!. If you must choose go with BO2. Even though its a year old and the camp is rather stale and the multiplayer kinda stinks zombies is still zombies. Ghosts besides the campaign is an utter mess and the spawn is awful. If you must buy BO2, otherwise buy mW2, MW3 , BO1, or save for Advanced Warfare or buy another shooter there are plenty out there man xD


Go for the cheaper one (Black Ops II). It has more features then Ghosts, I think, and its basically the same game....


There is this thing called Battlefield 4
This will greatly improve your life


doesnt matter they are the same anyway

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