What is the name of the color halfway between red and orange-red?

Also, halfway between orange-red and orange?

By "orange-red" I mean a color halfway between orange and red.

I need these to be "spectral" colors, which means on a color picker they have 100% saturation and 50% brightness or luma. (In hex code, spectral colors always have two pairs of digits that are either 00 or FF.)

The answer doesn't have to be exact, but it should be a word that doesn't usually mean some other color.

I've looked at vermillion and blood-orange, but am not sure.


Favorite Answer

Terracotta, poppy orange.
Also look at viridium red and cadmium red to see if they're any closer to the colour you want.

Happy questing.


Red orange. Red comes first because there's more red than orange.


I agree. The colour in between red and orange is red-orange :)


Every paint company in the world creates their own names for such colours so why don't you? The human eye can discern a million different shades of red so there are a lot of un-named colours in the spectrum.


to be more specific to what you describe, it would be red - red orange