Help! My toads bred!?
My toads were breeding when i walked into my room today. I already have a container to put them in but can i get a little help with raising them and tadpole care and how to go about selling them online.
My toads were breeding when i walked into my room today. I already have a container to put them in but can i get a little help with raising them and tadpole care and how to go about selling them online.
Favorite Answer
A couple of years ago I had this problem. The mating couple should be kept by a source of water. You can fill a deep plastic tubaware container with water and bury it to the rim with soil in their tank. The female needs this so she can lay her eggs asap. Do not use tap water , only bottled and make sure that the water is neither too cold or too warm. Room temp should be good. After she lays her eggs go to your local walmart . They should carry algae pellets in the pet section. You can feed the tadpoles these after they hatch. I don't know about selling the young toads though. You might be able to or it might not be worth it because they probably don't go for much. I love toads and I would buy one but i wouldn't try to get it through mail. Good luck !
well thats not good!