Is America turning towards Communism?


Not really.
There are some histrionics that suggest we are... but the facts of it is that we have a firmly entrenched regulated market economy and that isn't going anywhere. The size of the regulatory state will likely continue to grow, but that isn't the same thing as a centrally planed economy.

Communism is, for the most part, dead as an economic / political model.


Modern governments have been getting bigger since the end of WWII, although they are not necessarily moving towards communism.


Yes, in the sense that it will be an utopian community. The first thing to do in the morning is to correct the gap of income distribution. But I'm so sure that it will not be a society of regulations like in Europe, the equality by forces. Because the US will still be a free utopian community.


No, but when you see growing inequality you see calls for it. The political structure we see right now has tended to encourage communism. When the government favors the rich over the poor, remembering the poor outnumber the rich, there tends to be a push for communism. The most foolish thing rich people can do is behave as the Republican party does today. If you want to stay rich, fire the Republicans. If everyone feels things are fair, no one tries to take private property.