Demons or spirits in a closet? Any ideas?

I don't care if you think I am insane, or making this up. This really happened to me, a few years ago. It has always really made me curious about what I experienced. Maybe you can tell me a few things?

Me and my friend were around 15 or 16. We were going to sleep for the night. There was a closet that was wide open at the end of the room and it gave me the creeps. I asked if I could shut the door. He insisted that we keep it open. I kept pestering him about why we couldn't close it. He told me, with a very serious face that,"they would be angry if we closed it." He looked me in the eyes for a long moment, as if had never been more serious in his life. I thought he was insane, and I didn't believe him at all. He wouldn't explain what he meant. So, I just went to sleep with the closet open and ignored it.

In the middle of the night, I woke up to the sound of VOICES. I was fully awake. There were 3 voices, each slightly different, but all Male. They were all speaking in slurred whispers, in a language I couldn't understand. The voices were coming from the closet. I got up, looked at the closet and everything was quiet. I was really scared so I left, and played my gameboy in the kitchen because I didn't want to be in the room anymore.

My friend woke up, found me in the kitchen and asked what was wrong.
I told him what happened and he said that he had expirenced some things too. He said if he closed the closet, there would be knocking and voices. Weird right?


I know, I Dee OC says, my friend freaked me out and made me imagine it. BUT, there is a difference between reality and imagination. I actually heard those voices, and my friend...who is now my husband, wouldn't ever make up something like that...because he is a very logical person. I am 22 now and that night still creeps me out. It was real. He told me that when he was alone, he would hear scrathing on the door if he closed it too.


Dee in CO, i meant.


Favorite Answer

Honesty dark spirits and demons do exist in my opinion, there a real threat, none of that garbage about angering the spirits with the dance of whatever the heck. But they are real and honestly not to be messed with. Ive never seen one nor do i wish to, i pray often times that im freaked out that nothing like that happens to me, and that it stays that way. Honestly i just would've prayed man (Or pissed myself first). After all its my believe as a Christian. I dont know what yours is, but your believe is your choice and yours alone.


Spirits or demons is the same thing, I'm always the real stars!
It may be that there were spirits in the House, but if that happened to you last year, this does not mean that the spirits have gone away, but may return for another event. Speaking languages is common knowledge among the spirits, because they speak the languages of all human beings, but usually speak the language depending on where you are. Ok!


I hope you looked carefully under the bed too before you slept, it's a well known fact that The Joker, a bear and a talking octopus like to hide there and reach out and grab you by the ankle when you try and put your slippers on. Scary stuff.

Dee in CO2014-06-04T13:25:18Z

Your friend should be congratulated. He successfully freaked you out. This shows how easily we can fool ourselves into believing that we saw or heard something we didn't--if the right idea is planted in our heads, there's no telling what will happen.


wow that even scared me reading it! i do think that things like this could happen- i like all this creepy stuff even though i will probably sh$£ myself if that ever happened to me. i personnally think it might be spirits- because i think its easier for them to comunicate with the living but im not sure; it could be anything
hope i helped x

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