How to help a very stressed fish settle in?

Hello! I just got a new fish from a friend but it appears the shipping process was a little much for the poor guy. He's floating on his side and just laying on the bottom gasping. I spent well over an hour adapting him to my quarantine tank's water (put him in a bucket with his old water and slowly combine tank water and the old water.) My quarantine tank is cycled and has no ammonia in it. While in his bucket, he was laying on the bottom. His color seems to have returned slightly, but not much at all. Is there anything I can do? I have some aquarium salt, MelaFix, PrimaFix, and some Ich Cure that I can add if need be (as in, it might help.) I have the lights off and the filter turned down for now. He's the only fish in the tank.

Anything I can do? He's not floating so I don't think he's devoloped swim badder due to stress yet. I don't expect him to make it, though, but any help would be appreciated.


Favorite Answer

I run a goldfish rescue and often get fish in this state. A short salt dip usually helps a lot. It will purge any ammonia in the fish's system, help with gill function and will shake off most parasites if he has any. I find the fish seem very invigorated after the dip.

You need to watch closely. Aim for 5 minutes, but if he starts to tip to the side and doesn't right himself with a nudge, get him out right away into clean recovery water.

Here are the steps:

Good luck!


Don't add anything to the tank today. Wait until tomorrow then depending on whether the fish has scales (there are some weird fish out there.) add a pinch or two to the water and if that doesn't help. Try doing a little research. If none of that seems to be working, it may be best to let nature take it's course.

That guy you saw2014-06-08T18:12:48Z

Add a pinch or two of aquarium salt and make sure there is a hiding spot or two for him. Give it an hour or so and see what his condition is. If you know what fish it is find out if it's a social fish. If it is then add a couple of tank mates in it. That's all I can think of now. Try googling things to there's bound to be heaps.


don't add anything today, perhaps if he perks up a dose of ich cure might be a good idea.

but this is a normal stress reaction, leave off the lights, don't feed, and check on him tomorrow.

I usually don't believe a fish has settled in till he's been alive 3-4 days.


Add a few drops of fish stress coat, and it will make him calm down. you can buy it here.