What is this sax, specifically? I have recently come across a tenor saxophone. It is engraved VITO and says Japan and 020385.?

At first I thought 020385 was the serial number, but now I think it is the date the sax was made. From my research I think Vito is a 'student' grade sax made by Yamaha which seems well regarded based on what I've read so far. The word VITO is stenciled on the sax. I would like to learn more about this sax but cannot find the serial number. I have looked in and outside the bell/horn and various other places, to no avail. If I could find the serial number I could find out for sure what actual model this is, although I think it might be a YTS-23 (not sure.) Inside the case, there is a part for the sax that says Leblanc on it, and I am aware of Leblanc and that this company had a role in making saxophones and I think importing parts from Japan and assembling them in Wisconsin.

I realize I can go to a store that buys and sells and refurbishes musical instruments to learn more about this sax, possibly for free, however, in case I receive an offer to buy it I don't want to walk in entirely ignorant of what I have and 'give it away.' It's not that I think the sax is anything special. It's not like it's vintage if it's only 20 years old, but it might be worth more than the $50 I paid for it at a garage sale.

Can anyone help me out? I've been to the two or so websites that claim to have serial number information to help identify the sax however if I can't find the serial number they aren't any good to me.


Favorite Answer

Hi. It's a run of the mill, garden variety Leblanc Vito Tenor sax. The number you found is the serial number and doesn't reflect the date made in the numbers. It was made in Japan, just as the Yamaha YTS-23 Tenor's used to be - same factory. Model number on yours shall be 7131T (or 33T) most likely. They generally play fine when well sorted, not quite as desirable as it's lighter lacquered sister Yamaha. $50 is a nice deal even if just for parts. I sale these in my shop on occasion for approximately $500 after refurbishing and with a warranty to boot. You might expect a chunk less if you offer no similar gratuity. Cheers and good luck.


extremely tough subject check out with the search engines that will help