Is Gary Ablett Jnr,better than his dad ?

Romper Stomper2014-06-09T22:01:15Z

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Having seen both their careers, I would still say Senior was better, you have to understand they are entirely different players, who play in different positions, whilst Jnr can do some amazing stuff, I've still never seen anyone come close to what Snr could do, and he was tough as nails to go with it. If Jnr wins his 3rd Brownlow this year it won't change my mind, Snr was just an amazingly talented player who didn't get the cheap 1,2 handpasses, he earnt every kick he got.

whay i lost my ?s2014-06-10T01:43:26Z

I think it's close, but Jnr has some time left in his career so we can take a look in a few years time.

I think the 2 flags and the aflpa mvp awards also really weight heavily in Jnr's favour

That said the fact the two played different positions makes comparisons hard to do fairly, so age of the person voting will usually dictate the outcome Ablett Jr (atleast imo) is the best midfielder/follower in the game Ablett Sr was a little hard to place (half forward or where he seriously dominated at the end of his career full forward) either way one of the greatest forwards to have ever played the game (and indeed players in general)

I also believe Ablett Jr to be the better man of the two and fervently believe the comparisons to his father were the catalyst to both him leaving the cats and his brother Nathan retiring.


Dave obviously didn't get to see the Suns V Doggies game a couple of weeks back where Garry Ablett was closely checked all day. he didn't receive any protection from the umpires in that game i can tell you. quite the reverse actually.

You cannot compare both of these players to one another. as they are playing in different eras of the game. as well as different type rolls for their clubs in games.

A lot of us that got to see G.A. senior play. will have a different answer to one who has only seen The Little Master Jnr play.



Gary Ablett Snr. was certainly better as a footballer, brilliant around the goal front and never got the protection from the umpires as his son gets!


Both qualify equally, within their own eras, as the absolute epitome of what makes the ideal Aussie Rules player but young Gazza has taken that a step further and has for the past 4 years been teaching and nurturing the next generation of players instead of taking the easier "glory road" in Victoria.
For that I have to give him the nod.... and I'm 200% sure that all the GC Suns players would agree.

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