Do you like abandoned and forgotten questions and answers?

Questions and answers left for ever without a thank you, like bleak and dusty ghost towns.
Maybe the askers were always those who did the answerers a favor, I often had that feeling. But I didn't think it would become as obvious as now.
Has Yahoo Answers turned into a desert?


Favorite Answer

Not at all. I was never part of a group of voters, instead I found many random questions that had amazing answers left on YA. These answers are/were years old with No OP in sight. I would vote anywhere from 50 - 100 weekly until the community vote was abolished.
As far as YA 'turned into a desert', No. It's more like a playground for criminals known as violators.

Experto Credo2014-06-13T19:28:12Z

Before Y!A changed the rules around here, I was part of a group that would go around and try to resolved these 'forgotten' questions, but they piled up faster than we could get to them.

To be honest, Y!A doesn't care one way of the other about them.


Used to float around various topics, about which I know little, to see which didn't have an answer. I tried to answer them, and had some success. But YA! changed a lot of things, and ...

otto saxo2014-06-16T17:31:09Z

Thank you for your answer. Keep your enthusiasm.