how long does a uti last untreated?

I can in no way get antibiotics or go get cranberry supplements. I got it about 2 weeks ago and after a ton of water the symptoms seemed to have disapeared but they just came back what do i do!? I only feel like i have to be all the freaking time when I don't. Please only helpful comments.

RN For 22 Years2014-06-15T01:18:43Z

A UTI will not go away on its own, instead it will only get worse. Many times, it will turn into a full blown kidney infection. Certain aspects of your blood values will become abnormal and you will get very sick.
In your community, there has to be a clinic of some kind for the uninsured or those who can't afford to pay for a doctors visit. Emergency rooms cannot turn you away based on inability to pay. There are places like that you can go if you have to.
If I were you, I would go to the ER now before it gets any worse. They WILL see you.


try cranberry juice, it helps with UTI, also you may need to have a prescription to help get rid of it


Go to a doctor and have a check up.