Why does my dog always have one ear up and one down?

We recently got a dauchshund puppy, she's about 6 months now, but she always has one ear up and one ear down. Why?


One Down Dog

Verulam 12014-06-17T03:15:38Z

All dogs have a fault or two, and this is one of her faults. Most probably something in her background (ancesters) had similar. It's unusual in the Dachsie though so perhaps she's not purebred.


It all depends on the way the cartilage in her ear is growing. If it bothers you, you can research how to tape a dog's ear. It's painless and isn't like cropping. Chances are she is either not full dachshund (a lot of the chihuahua dachshund mixes have pointed dachshund ears or one ear up and one ear down) or she's simply growing and her ear decided it was going to stay up for awhile lol. My Border Collie had floppy ears as a young young puppy then one pointed ear for a couple months as an almost teenage puppy before it dropped down like the other as he grew towards a year old.


If you mean up as in erect, she must be a mix, because Dachshunds have drop ears.


My dog had one ear up and one down for about 3 years. Now they are both up. It can take some time with dogs.

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