Is a fixie to road bikes as a beach cruiser is to mountain bikes?

How many fixies did you pass today?


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Agreed about the Hipsters and Slackers who ride the one speeds, especially the ones who chicken out with freewheels and front brakes. Don't like their skinny jeans and big glasses either. Not too keen on the big girl tattoos either ... won't look too good twenty years hence.

Disagree on the beach cruiser crowd. If they had a few more bucks they would lose the hairy backs and surfer shorts and move on up to Williamsburg or FlatBush and open a gluten free range tofu bodega.


That actually isn't too far off the mark. Back in the early days of road racing, the bikes that were used had fixed gears and hubs that had cogs on both sides. To change "gears" the rider would remove the rear wheel and turn it around to use the different size cog on the other side
Similarly, in the early days of mountain biking, there was no such thing as what we know as a mountain bike so guys used converted beach cruisers off road


Sort of, but a fixie is in a class all by itself. It is it's own brand of special kind of stupid, and most of the people who ride them are off-beat misfits searching for an identity. People who ride beach cruisers don't fit that description.


i guess

but as the other guy said , fixie ==''special kind of stupid''

and slow
