What does Error 403 mean?

I know that basically it means I am not permitted to access that site and probably my IP address is blacklisted. However, we tried to access the same site using another computer with a different IP address and server, and it's still Error 403. Everyone cannot access that site.

Does that mean there is some error in that site or was it made to appear like it deliberately?


A web server may return a 403 Forbidden HTTP status code in response to a request from a client for a web page or resource to indicate that the server can be reached and understood the request, but refuses to take any further action. Status code 403 responses are the result of the web server being configured to deny access, for some reason, to the requested resource by the client.


At it's most basic, it means that the page (or directory) you're attempting to access from the web is restricted. This could either be a global restriction (meaning that no one can access it from the web) or based on individual IP.

Essentially, Apache (or whatever webserver they're running) has been instructed not to serve that page.


you will get error 403 whenever you try to enter a restricted area. Having the URL does not mean you have the access. Only Administrators will have access.


In layman's terms, it means either you are restricted from entering a site, which is unlikely if you are just doing some general browsing, or that access has been denied simply because the site is offline, or does not exist.