If I tortuee my children because they disobey is that just and morale?

I don't know if I should torture them or not. I mean good people tell me it's not, even christians, but since god does it, it has to be just and morale. and god is my one and only role model. but then again evil people like hitler condoned torture. but then again hitler was also a Christian. help! I'm so confused!


Um no, you shouldn't torture your children.

Breaking down your question:
What you said: but since god does it, it has to be just and morale
What I think: Does god really torture children? I think not

What you said: god is my one and only role model. but then again evil people like hitler condoned torture.
What I think: If god is your one and only role model why are you thinking about hitler. Also you mentioned hitler was evil, if hitler is evil why are you striving to be like him?

What you said: but then again hitler was also a Christian
What I think: Does it matter his religion at this point, If I'm christian and I murder people and torture children I'm still getting sent to jail. Regardless my religion and beliefs, just because Hitler was a specific religion does not justify what he did.

So no, you should not torture your children because Hitler did. Hitler (as you pointed out) is evil, and unless you'd like to be "evil" in front of your children and have them believe that you are demonic don't follow Hitler.


There are laws... if your children are smart enough.. they can get you arrested.. I hope they are smart enough to deal with a maniac like you.

