At Walmart can you get fired for losing your name tag?
So yesterday I went to HR to request a new name tag because I misplaced my old one. When I get there and tell her, the hr person threatens me saying If I lose this one and ask for one more, she will "send me home" claiming it means that I'm not prepared to work and that they can fire you for it. Is this true? I mean to me that's pretty stupid. In the 1 year I have worked at Wal-mart, I had NO write-ups, NO coachings, Perfect attendance (minus 2 call outs for bad weather) I clock-in on the DOT, every-time since I've worked there , and get compliments from customers somewhat often. This is also the first time I've ever lost a badge, The last one I've had forever and never lost it until now. Was it total BS? Or did she just used it as a deterrent to keep me from losing the new one?
To add, I am the only associate in TWO departments, and I have the most expertise when it comes to these departments, besides my dpt. managers.