Genetic Security?

We are all concerned about security of our social security number, our passwords and our bank accounts. Is anybody thinking about security of our DNA. We leave our hair, our saliva, and skin cells all over the place. People can pick them up and use them to profile who we are, our family members and enter it in a data bank for future use. Is anybody concerned ???


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Here's the index for B. Schneier's articles on DNA and related topics...plenty of food for thought:

Of interest special was the idea of manufacturing evidence using DNA:

It all gets back to whom we let control the power...and with all the soft skulled people voting for crooks and tyrants, that scares the hell out of me.


"People can pick them up and use them to profile who we are"

Here's a challenge: pick up the next hair you see, and report back with that person's bank account numbers, their favorite sports team, and what they ate for dinner the prior week.

Modern science has enough trouble telling whether the hair actually belonged to a human being.


Who has that kind of money?
I'm not concerned. DNA analysis at more than a fairly rudimentary level is too expensive to be practical.


Jared is in tune with my point of view the concern I have.

Good job Jared !


This sounds like some NPR I listened to the other day.

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