Is there a comprehensive list of the exact beliefs of every religion?

Now that it has been ruled that a companies religious views are valid and need to be addressed legally, is there anywhere where we can find an exact of the beliefs of every religion and sect?

Otherwise how can we appropirately argue for or against certain things when we don't know what the beliefs are exactly? Some christian churces will marry gay couples, others won't. Hobby Lobby says it's a "christian business" and won't provide certain BC medication for employees, yet will invest in the companies who make those same drugs they say are bad and will buy products from countries who have ridiculously high abortion rates and laws that promote abortion (china).

Can I state that my religious beliefs are that I be nude all the time and my employees must be the same, even if I run a restuarant (it's gross you can't cook for the public without wearing clothes). Do I need to be able to show which religion I belong to when I state my beliefs or can I just say that those are my beliefs?

Leslie Goudy2015-04-20T13:28:57Z

In the words of Hillary Clinton "What difference does it make?" She is a Methodist and they help the Poor, as do all Faiths.

Religions exist in the dynamic Paradox of Faith. Most atheist people do not understand this as they think Religions people are not scientific and do not believe in evolution and are all Fundamentalist in nature. This is not so as Georges LeMaitre of the Catholic Church, a Priest and a Physic Professor came up with the original Big Bang theory which Einstein and Hubble questioned at first in 1927.

Suffering on the Cross and forgiving people that are tearing at your possessions is a difficult thing to understand no? Oh, the list, that's what you want, well, the list is in the New Testament and the other Religous Books that are out ther like the Bhagava Gita and The Book of Change and so on. Those are the Lists. You have to figure them out yourself. Everything else is just a cut and paste you know? ;)


Another Liberal, coming out with his jealous rage who thinks that everyone is a failure. You may have, gotten your three thumbs up those came from Liberals. None of you understand "religion" nor will you judge anyone for their success. I've just learned about your illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial.


My belief is you are actually the worlds biggest loser.
No one cares about your pointless one sided questions. Get a new hobby, go outside.


the point was one of choice.... and the rights of the one paying for that choice was upheld in accordance to THE LAW...

you seem to be the only one interested in actually regulating beliefs...


You said I am 'flat wrong' with my answer. Then prove it, loser.

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