what to do when you live with people who are stingy with food?

So I live with my family.we couldn't afford food so I applied for food stamps just for me and MY daughter since my mom wanted me to buy my own food.now since I've been getting food stamps noone has been buying food.I don't mind if I feed my whole pfamily.sometimes we have to spend money because 340$ is not alot for 7 people and a dog. But when they spend money on food they won't share with me. Literally yell at me for eating. I just want to leave but if I do I know they won't have food


Favorite Answer

Don't worry about the rest of your family--they seemed to be able to do for themselves before you got food stamps so they can do that again. Just make sure you have food for your daughter and yourself--and don't share. As you said. $340 is not a whole lot of money even to feed 2 people and your daughter MUST have healthy food every day since she's still growing. The rest of the family is NOT your responsibility. Since they can't share with you, give it right back to them and explain that they can go apply for food stamps if they can't afford to buy food. And that the food you buy is for you and your daughter, no one else.


You supported them entirely off of your own funds (stamps) for what apears to be a good period of time, now it's their turn to give back to you. Show them the math, tell them how much the total cost of the food they took from you is. If they still dont give you anything, then cut back on the amount of food you give them with your stamps until they can learn to share.


It is not that they could not get their own food? They were buying their own food before you got food stamps? What would stop them from getting their own food if you left? If you are not on federal housing such as section 8, then apply and get approved before moving. Is it possible they view anything they can get from you as something you owe them? I don't know how old you are, but many family members exspect some kind of payment for rent, childcare, and groceries if the person is over 18 yrs of age. I still do not think they should yell at you for eating though since it seems to still be food shared by the house hold. I know you said you buy food for you and the baby seperately, but maybe they don't know that, or can't remember which food items are yours, or maybe they are mad because you have something that they wanted? The onlly suggestion I can make is to get peace of mind when possible. That means buy healthy nonperishable foods such as apples, oranges, or other type camping food to keep in your private room. That would allow you to eat eat with out being yelled out. They can not complain if they don't know. Just make a regular habit of keeping the bedroom door shut other wise they will put 2 an2 together quickly. But even if they do figure that out and they eventually, it won't matter. If you commonly keep the door shut then they won't know when your doing whatever. You may even get a small fridge to plug in like the ones people have in dorm rooms that go on top of tables. You could wake up, eat a bowl of cearal in peace. By they they found out then too late. You would already be putting the empty bowlin the sink. Or you could just stash some plastic bowls in the room too and avoid that mess altogether.
But, honestly, this would be a temporary fix. That means these people who are you family do not seem to like you very much. They would likely continue finding ways to complain and make your life hard using one thing or another. It is best you find yourr own place, unless you like people making your life hard? People do like to play victim and hang out with people who don't like them. It happens, but unsure if it applies to you? I know it sounds badd to say your family does not like you, but itreally seems they don't. And most people wheether family or not will not out right say "I don't like you" especially if their getting something out of you. If you are unaware,??? There are mmany people out theree who have close family member who don't like them like moms, dads, brothers, sister, etc. It stinks, I know, but sometimes it is not only true but common. People who really like another person does not do or say hateful things to drive them away. If someone like a another person or people, then they are usually helpful or atleast show concern. People who care about you are interested in seeing you happy and successful in life. they offer advise when a problem shows up, some may even be supportive emotionally, offer their their time, energy, or even a small amount of cash to help the person. You did not mention if the father lives with you? Or if you have employment? Or attending classes? Start looking around for job, education,and child care programs. Otherwise you will spend a lot of time miserable. And what will you do when the child is grown?

LARA, age 822014-07-01T09:30:24Z

Tell them to get their own food stamps.