Will the clouds and mist stay on the horizon today?

Creepy little morning, do dah, do dah.
Tendrils of white float over the house,
occupants still asleep...asleep?
They're too still for just asleep...then
One mumbles, one tosses, one chucks.

Good, good Fourth of July, it would appear.


No do dahs up here this bright cool morning. Watching Wimbledon and watching a squirrel deciding if it wants to climb the pole to get to the sunflower seeds knowing Murphy the squirrel chaser awaits.

Coop 3662014-07-04T08:50:30Z

It is a cool morning
but is warming.
Sitting outside enjoying fresh air
while drink a cup of coffee,
Charlie the squirrel
tosses half eaten walnuts
one lands in my cup.
Have a great 4th and good show.


Going Transcendental on us
and doing so with metaphorical


They had better stay there, i hung out the washing this morning.