Do you think perfect music exists?

what's your definition of perfect when it comes to music?
is there an album or band you'd consider perfect?

the only album i'd consider close to perfect would be Kezia by Protest The Hero. the only problem i have with it is the placement of the last two tracks. Divine Suicide should have been the closer.


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No, not really. Which is why there's so much variety. Whether musicians or listeners, we all try to reach for something "perfect", and sometimes get close, at least to what we hear in our heads and need in our hearts. But, if we actually got there and agreed (good luck on that for Anything), we'd be "done".
I hope you will find music that you feel is perfect for you. Just stay open to other music, as things change, just like life, and you will.
Everything Changes.
Fifty years ago, I probably would have glomped on to Chuck Berry.
Twenty five years ago, maybe Mozart or Beethoven.
In recent years, wearing my black suit & tie too often, maybe this one:

That's just an old man thinking back, and feeling what it's been like. Go find your perfect music, no matter what it is. It's about as close to God as most of us will get.


No, nothing is perfect because I can guarantee to you 100% confident that you could not find ONE song out there that EVERYONE loves. Not just in the USA, everywhere. If such a song exist, I will cede that there is perfect music out there.

But of course there is music that I think is perfect to me, like I just think it's great music. No band is perfect, I don't care what anyone says, nope.

Albums, I consider Dookie, American Idiot, Slippery When Wet, Journey Greatest Hits, and AC/DC's Back in Black to all be perfect albums, because I find no fault in them. But, they're only perfect to me. I know people that literally hates every single one of those albums, and bands.


I think perfect music exists in someone who is writing music for the right purpose. That purpose is to express them self and not try to make as much money as they can off of it

Esoteric Order of Dagon2014-07-06T06:37:34Z

Music is art. Art is judged as good or bad on a subjective scale. Therefore there is no "perfect" music, just music some people like and others don't.


Does Children of Bosom exist?
If so, then yes, perfect music exists

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