Ideas For Friend's Birthday Gift? PLEASE HELP!!?

Right well my friends birthday/birthday party is in 4 days (the 11th) and I really have no clue what to get her. It's also a surprise party and she doesn't have her phone right now so I can't ask at all. I've tried to ask her mom but she said "She'll like whatever you like!" And I know that's not really true so I was wondering if anyone can help me please? So the ideas can be general or based on the information about her below (:

(Her name's Hannah T***** so if you need her initials there)

She likes
-Christ (she's a Christian so any gift ideas like that are welcome!)
-I call her highlighter girl because she loves bright colors
-very much loves her family
-divergent (but has already read all the books)

so yeah i don't really know.
try to help PLEASE.


Here are some suggestions

1. Chocolate box
2. a coffee mug
3. A beautiful pair of earrings
4. A personalised mug
5. Wallet


You didn't say how much you could spend or if you live in a average size town but if you do and if you spent $30 plus you could get a gift certificate at one of those ceramic places where you paint a piece and they fire it. they supply all the paints and stuff.


Get her neon drawing supplies with a notepad


Get her a huge drawing pad.