wow gh is getting so dam good in my book.?


will we ever find out who put rafe up to killing Patrick's baby now that rafe is brain dead.thanks. I have a idea on who I think it is I think it is bitc* mom or the bitc* herself. could be right or I could be wrong guess we will wait and hope we find out very soon I hope who put rafe up to this.


Favorite Answer

The truth always comes out, this might just take awhile, I wouldn't be surprised if Nina concocted someone to hush Rafe up ..... Nina, Rosalie and the therapist all need a slap .... damn how can Silas be so blind?


I believe it was the impostor Luke who put Rafe up to it. Maybe he offered Rafe drugs to do it, or maybe he threatened to tell Silas that Rafe was using. I believe the motive behind it was to keep Spencer quiet; Emma was in the car and that would prove her life was in danger if Spencer talks.