What's something embarassing that has happened to you?
I went snowboarding with my friends and we decided to go through the trees; It was a really steep hill btw. And my board caught edge and I flew right into a tree, Boob first. It hurt like hell. My friend said it looked way painful and it was! I looked later and my boob was bruised. Not fun at all. What about you guys?
Schrödinger's Cat2014-07-10T20:24:01Z
Favorite Answer
I threw a tantrum in Walmart when I was 8 over a hello kitty alarm clock.
When I was 13, a bird pooped on my head in front of my friends and at-the-time boyfriend.
I started my period (not the first one though) in class on my 13th birthday and didn't bring any pads. I was too nervous to move and my history teacher was a creepy old guy who puts girls on the spot when they ask to go to the bathroom, so I literally just sat there and bled out, half-teary eyed. Then I creeped out of class and a friend snuck me to the office to call my mom. My mom felt so bad that she took me to the mall and bought me new jeans. When I returned to school somehow everyone still knew
When I was younger and at somebody's house for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, I forget which, and me not being from a religious family I started eating, not realizing everyone was waiting to say grace and were staring at me. A lot of people were there as well.
I was a struggler when I was younger u hated the dentist. When I got to go get braces the decided to put me to sleep with the gas thing. As I fell asleep my mother said I started screaming "NOOOO KEEP THE MONKEY ROBBERS AWAY FROME ME. HELP HIPPO POLICE. QUICK ON THE GETAWAY ZEBRA. I was looking at the pictures on the wall. -_- FML
I sent really really awkward texts to someone out of frustration because they weren't replying.i also sent a link to wiki how to that person on how to have a conversation XD.Can you believe me