Confused about who can use PX at military bases?

My dad is a Navy vet who never used the PX system before for buying things.
The base website says the following about eligibility:
Honorably Discharged Veterans when hospitalized or certified 100% disabled.

If you are an honorably discharged vet who was not injured/disabled, then you don't have any base PX privileges?


My dad is a 90 year old WWII vet....just assumed that he would qualify based upon this, but from the answers I guess not. I assumed that ALL honorably discharged vets had PX privileges so it's clear that this is not the case. Thanks everyone for answering


Favorite Answer

AAFES is there for:
Active duty and their dependents with ID cards
Reirees and their dependents with ID cards
100% disabled veterans
Vets who are hospitalized on base or in a VA facility where there is an exchange.

Folks who just served their time and got out or were relieved of duty are not authorized users.


Px Military


Military Px


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Confused about who can use PX at military bases?
My dad is a Navy vet who never used the PX system before for buying things.
The base website says the following about eligibility:
Honorably Discharged Veterans when hospitalized or certified 100% disabled.

If you are an honorably discharged vet who was not injured/disabled, then you don't...

MAJ Kev2014-07-13T10:18:43Z

I don't really understand how you are confused .... is your Dad 100% disabled or currently in a medical facility on a base with a PX. If he meets none of those criteria, then he does not get to use the facility.

How are you confused?

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