Can you be nude in an RV or motor home that is being driven?

Okay, its pretty established that you can't drive in the nude or be nude in the car when you're a passenger. What about nudity in a recreational vehicle or motor home while it is on the road and you're not the driver? So long as you're not making yourself visible to other motorists on the road with you. It is still a motor vehicle, but is also considered a living area (albeit temporary). Is there an expectation of privacy so long as you have taken steps to prevent being seen?


Favorite Answer

If you can't be seen then it doesn't matter. Heck you can be having sex in the back while someone else is driving down the road.


if you're not seen, who cares? If you're flashing everyone on the road, that's a problem.

Lost Equation2014-07-13T13:10:02Z

If the RV is being towed, you are taking a chance of being inside of it ...and also nude. I would not ride in a towed RV...anything can happen at any time.
As it swerves back and forth, try putting your clothes on as it hits a guard rail.
Being in a towed RV might be illegal..most likely is


It's possible someone sees you. Wear underwear. It's called "indecent exposure."