How to prepare for junior year? (High school)?

I have posted this question before, but wanted to get a few more answers and add some details.

I'm going into my junior year of high school. I am aware that it's an important year and am working extremely hard to do well. Next year, I'm taking:
AP Human Geo (elective)
AP Chem (Possibly AP psych if my school brings it)
AP US history
AP English and composition
Advanced Math (Pre-cal/Calculus)
Spanish 3
How can I prepare for these classes? I'm already doing the summer homework. I know these are a lot of AP classes, and I do intend to join clubs (at my school, you're kind expected to be in a ton of ap classes, it's an unspoken rule, so I can't really get out as soon as I choose one). My school's clubs aren't too demanding and the ones I plan on joining are bsu (black student union) and unidos, both of which are community service clubs, but you can easily get hours during school so I'm not too worried about that.

Also, I really want to change up my look. I've been working on losing weight, because I am a little overweight (not just saying that, for my height and age,I'm overweight). I'm not trying to lose an extreme amount of weight, so what are some simple exercises I can do at home? Also, if I can get some tips to change up my style of makeup, that'd be helpful. I have large doe shaped eyes, and short curly eyelashes, any tips to really enhance my eyes would be awesome. (Feel free to add any extra info you think would be helpful)


In order to prep for your AP classes, you can start purchasing the review books for them used to study for the AP exam. I recommend Princeton Review Book. You don't have to read them all for each class but at least skim through them. You can order Princeton Review Book for any AP subject through or your local library.

Presuming you are of caramel/chocolate color, I would recommend purple eyeshadow! And eyeliner never hurts either.

Running is the best way to lose weight so on the weekends as soon as you wake up, wash your face and eat your breakfast, and go running around the neighborhood or you could go jogging. You can listen to music while you jog/run for motivation. Just do this for 30 minutes in the morning and relax when you get home. Afterwards, you can get started on your homework.

In order to manage your time wisely during the school week, I suggest doing your homework as soon as you get home so that you're still in 'school mode'.

Also, exercising isn't the only way to lose weight. There's an ingredient in many foods called fiber. Because your body cannot digest fiber, your metabolic system works harder at eliminating it. Thus, increasing your metabolism. The higher your metabolism is, the easier it will be to lose weight. Foods with fiber include: spinach, oatmeal, beans, granola bars, apples, oranges, and so forth.


I am so sorry, but I gotta break it to you the hard way. That was one too many AP classes. I remember taking five in junior year HS. It was a disaster. Good luck. For preparation, go online and look up notes on your subjects. For exercise, you can jog for ten minutes a day, do squats and lunges, or you can do push ups and sit ups. As for the makeup, I am going to assume you are dark skinned, so go for colors that are not too light. Maybe a nice dark brown along the shape of your eyes. I can picture your eyes with a natural or smokey look. Also, I recommend you get eyeliner. You can never go wrong with eyeliner. 😉