Did I give her good advice? What should I have said?

I went to pick up my girlfriend for a date. She was not ready so her single mom Ann talked to me while I waited. She told me what her life was like when she was a teenager. Her mom said “seeing you reminds me of all the fun I had in the back seat of cars when I was your age. Those were the best years of my life. Do you think it is OK if I sleep with guys your age now”. Oh My God. If she was coming on to me, I knew I was in big trouble. What should I do?

Was this a test set up by the daughter? I thought I had better play it straight so I told her mom that if that is what would make her happy, she should do it. Life is too short to pass up opportunities to be happy. If this was a test set up by her daughter to see if I would get in bed with her mother, I was going to play it safe and not fall for the bait. She must have told her daughter what I said because her daughter dumped me. She told me I should not have told her mother to screw young guys.

I thought I was giving her good advice. Was I? If this was not good advice, what should I have said.

Now that I have been dumped, should I call the mom and say lets go have some fun in the back seat of my car?

Ni Hao Ma?2014-07-19T08:06:00Z

This probably depends on the age difference. But I think you have a point my friend. Consenting adults, are well, consenting adults. Having said that, it sounds like that was a weird immature "trap" from the mother and daughter. And having said that, I am not sure if the Mom was being serious or not, but you could pursue it if you thought she was attractive.


Leave the mom alone, she is trouble. She is going through a mid life crisis. I don't think this was a test, although the mom probably told her daughter you said she should date younger men, prolly cause the mom was already gonna do that....and used your conversation to validate her wish of dating a young stud to her daughter. The daughter can not think of her mom "dating" and having sex, that's weird, so she dumped you to stop your opinion on her mother...either way, either reason, walk away and don't look back.