Prayer For A Loved One?

My cousin went into the hospital yesterday because he was choking and stopped breathing for a while.. The doctors said it didn't look good & he wouldn't make it. He was put on life support and was barely breathing on his own.. He wasn't responding and they thought he might be brain dead if he ever did wake up.... Today, they found that he had liquid going into his brain and into his lungs. He opened his eyes today and was drooling because of all the liquid in his lungs.. His eyes kind of responded to light today. About 20 minutes ago, we got a text that said they just unplugged my cousin from life support and the doctors say he should be gone by morning... Can you all please take a minute of your time and pray for him to be healed and for my family? We need as many prayers as we can get, they're all greatly appreciated.. Thank you so much...


Prayers sent dear <3