hot peppers in nose burns help?

i got hot peppers in my nose while eating beans and now they burn like hell will i die help..?!


The water worked as long as there was water in my nose but then it burned even more.
The Milk helped relive it, not by much though but I found that the best way was to stick my head in the fridge and breath heavily thru my nose.


Favorite Answer

Put milk in your nostrils it'll help the burn sensation go away and no you won't die, preferably grab a Q-Tip and get the milk on the Q-Tip and put it in your nostrils.

Joseph the Second2014-07-22T12:52:04Z

-Nope. Just try to flush out Your Nose with a little Water, and You'll probably Live to eat some MORE Beans & Hot Peppers- another Day. :)


yeah, i would tell your family about this tragic event. Might as well pick your own casket while your still here.


I love how this question relates so much to Hardware. -_-