Im a level 6. I answered 5 or 6 questions and was told I had reached my daily limit.?


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It's as pointed out a glitch that started yesterday. Sometimes it can take several tries atr refreshing the page. However that is just one of many other glitches that started yesterday plaguing Yahoo! Answers. Others include:

Having reached the limit for asking questions.

Answers disappearing that are not actually removed, this includes when trying to change to oldest or newest answer on a page.

Question stream being interrupted, this also includes those questions on users accounts.

Accounts showing as private that are not.

Accounts appearing suspended but aren't.

Getting logged out.

There maybe others I missed however I believe these are the major ones, I've seen the most questions about. The issue is a server end issue, that seems to be worsening, and may not be resolved until when the techs in India, come in, unless someone is notified, and called in. Then the issue may have to be dealt with from the main headquarters of Answers. In which if India can not resolve, nor anyone in the main office is called in, then the earliest could be sometime after nine A.M. California time.


YA is glitching right now. I answered 1 Q & was told I'd reached my limit. Using my sense and also seeing that others were having this problem ( tons of Q's about it. ) - I refreshed the page & It worked, so try that.


If you scroll down you will see this question asked many times.
It is a glitch.
I've seen it as well. Refresh the page or double click on Q's you wish to answer


That is just a forum glitch. Refresh the page and try again.



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