Ok, lets turn this around: Why do Fundamentalist believe in such a weak god that is a poor engineer?

The rest of the universe is governed by a set of consistent, rational laws that allow the universe to run on full automatic. Why would God design biology to work different and require constant hands-on-control.

Creationists have a weak, stupid god that built a universe that requires constant tweaking. Their god is a poor engineer. It makes more sense that biology would work like the rest of the universe, self correcting, self regulating, and self modifying. Thus, His creatures can change as their environment changes. That is all evolution is, the plants and animals adapting to their changing environment (That is glorious!).

Evolution is an extremely elegant solution to life on a planet with a changing environment. Only a Master Engineer could come up with such an elegant solution for a self-correcting system. The Creationists severely limit God's intelligence and engineering ability by saying He had to sit and create everything by hand when the whole system is automated. Seems disrespectful.


Favorite Answer

Laws of whom, stupid man/scientists.

Brigalow Bloke2014-07-28T13:38:14Z

Young Earth creationists are either frauds or deluded. With a few notable exceptions there would not be any person with a solid general knowledge of science or the fact that several industries are based wholly or partially on an ancient Earth and / or the facts of biology who is also a young Earth creationist and not a parasite on religion.

It was pointed out here by someone yesterday or the day before that YEC's would be quite happy to accept forensic DNA evidence in a criminal trial but when essentially the same techniques demonstrate a close relationship to chimpanzees it's either a hoax or a mistake, according to them.

Another example of this oddly blinkered view is that they would be happy to accept a carbon 14 date of 200AD for a bone found in Rome, but 20,000 years before present for a bone found in a cave in Spain must be a hoax or a mistake, despite the only difference being the quantity of C-14 detected.

The only way to account for this among otherwise honest people is gross ignorance.


God created using his words not his hands. What God set into motion by his words is obviously self correcting. Every thing God set forward gave life and life springs from even that very life (Acts 17:24-25)

So why blame what you people keep calling "creationists" they didn't create God's abilities.

It is also written that God is a respecter of no persons. And still yet it is written that he does not consider the flesh.

Atheists whine about every thing even the fact that there is good and evil. The psychology of any Atheist says, "Here for a easy life; want, need and wish for a easy life". Fortunately God keeps his people strong through the same things Atheists hate about life ... "problems".



Thank you to all that agreed with me. But, unlike the Fundamentalists that post the opposite form of this question, I NOT going to choose a Best Answer from those that agree with me. Rather, an answer from a Fundamentalist that addressed the question (Though I do NOT agree with their answer. At least they tried.)


Dude the bible says god said its either god or money its in every religious books but the whole religious ppl still use money

So basically its religious mind control. Just like Islam

The real meaning of jihad is personal struggle but the fundamentals have twisted it to involve every personal struggle its really simple the answer is to many stupid ppl

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