Why do guys act like this?

Guys always look at me and some make it obvious that they like me but they never ask me out! It's a little frustrating because there is no way I am making the first move. But so far none have even tried asking me out. And also what does it mean when a guy and his friends are all looking at you and as soon as you notice them looking they turn to each other and start talking? That's been happening to me at work a lot lately and I don't think they are saying anything bad about me because I'm friends with a lot of my coworkers but still what does that mean?


Favorite Answer

Guys are guys. We look at women, it's true. Just because they look at you it doesn't mean they like you. If you honestly want them to try then you need to show that you're not taken.


most probably they are afraid of getting turned down. but there is another option. maybe they only looking at your body


they could be talking about how shallow you are.