What is it that zombies don't like?

It's a weird way to ask the question, but I mean like how vampires are repelled by garlic and Frankenstein's monster is afraid of fire. I'm not a crazy person trying to prepare for the zombie apocalypse, I don't believe in that.


First we would need to question whether zombies are sentient, because if they aren't, then they don't know to be scared of anything. However, I think Frankenstein's monster is kind of like a zombie, too, except he's more human in his thinking. So I think zombies would be scared of fire, or at least, can be killed by fire.
If you're talking about something like resident evil, I think guns could work? They seem fearless though.


Well if you're talking about the dead rising from their graves kind of zombie, then nothing. They're dead.

But if you're talking about a parasite or some kind of pathogen to make people zombie like, like with rage, and an extreme desire for raw human flesh, then we wouldn't know for sure unless it happens.


Zombies don't like living things, if you throw a bunch of puppies at them, they will leave you alone. THAT Sounded awful.


I'm guessing an axe to the head



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